Saturday, September 20, 2008

ABC: Palin Forcibly Suppressed Alaska Anti-Rape Initiative (Connected to Troopergate)

ABC's Justin Rood has just released a breakthrough story on a government document that contradicts Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's stated reason for firing Alaska public safety official Walt Monegan, whose allegations lie at the heart of the growing "Troopergate" scandal.Here's the key graf:
Palin on Monday argued in a legal filing that she fired Monegan because he had a "rogue mentality" and was bucking her administration's directives."The last straw," her lawyer argued, came when he planned a trip to Washington, D.C., to seek federal funds for an aggressive anti-sexual-violence program. The project, expected to cost from $10 million to $20 million a year for five years, would have been the first of its kind in Alaska, which leads the nation in reported forcible rape.

As Rood's ABC story details, the McCain campaign is citing Monegan's alleged insubordination against Palin's gubernatorial authority, by planning a trip to Washington, DC to seek federal finds for the anti-rape program, as evidence that Palin legitimately fired Monegan, because he had a "rogue mentality." However, as Rood's story documents, it was Palin's gubernatorial administration itself that originally authorized Monegan's planned Washington trip and so the question arises - did Alaska Governor Sarah Palin sacrifice the establishment of an Alaska anti-rape program because of a personal vendetta?

Palin, Sara Pallin, Sarra, Sarrah, Palen, Paylen, Paylin, Pallin, Sarra, Sarrah, a list of articles about Sarah Palin, a list of news articles about Sarah Palin, Troopergate, anti-rape initiative, Alaska rape problem, Monegan, trooper scandal, Sarah Palin personal vendetta, brother in law

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