Monday, September 1, 2008

A Brief Summary of Sarah Palin:

Sarah Palin is anti abortion and anti choice

Sarah Palin's husband works for a foreign oil company: British Petroleum (BP)

Sarah Palin does not believe in birth control or condom use

Sarah Palin wants creationism taught in public schools

Sarah Palin does not believe global warming is man-made

Sarah Palin does not support saving endangered species

Sarah Palin has supported groups that want Alaska to secede from the US

Sarah Palin tried to censor books at the Wasilla Library

Sarah Palin's church believes in the imminent end of the world, the Rapture, Armageddon

Sarah Palin originally supported Alaska's Bridge to Nowhere

Sarah Palin has never publically commented on her postion on the war in Iraq

Sarah Palin supports drilling in ANWR

Sarah Palin is currently under investigation for Troopergate

Sarah Palin's husband is involved in her decision making process as Governor of Alaska

Sarah Palin does not support Separation of Church and State

Sarah Palin was a local TV sports announcer, has served on the PTA, was on the Board and Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of less than 6,000 people, and has been Governor of Alaska for twenty months

Sarah Palin publically said that the Pledge of Allegiance was written by the Founding Fathers

Sarah Palin publically said that she has no idea what a Vice President does all day

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