Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sarah Palin Disinvited from Iran Rally

The organizers of an anti-Iran rally Monday rescinded their invitation to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin after Democrats protested that her presence would turn the event into a political rally, McCain campaign and Jewish community sources said.
The Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations created a political tempest by inviting Palin to speak without clearing her invitation with another speaker, Senator Hillary Clinton. Clinton promptly dropped out of the event, saying it would be seen as unduly political.
The McCain campaign then pressed Senator Barack Obama to join Palin on the stage in a show of unity against Iran.
The Obama campaign in turn offered to send Congressman Robert Wexler of Florida to the event, but the appearance that the non-partisan group was aligning with the Republican ticket put the group and its president, Malcolm Hoenlein, under heavy pressure from Jewish Democrats, including members of the conference, members of Congress, and the liberal group
J Street, not to give Palin a platform, sources said. Hoenlein told the McCain campaign that he would have to rescind Palin's invitation or cancel the rally.
The organizers, I'm told, have formally disinvited all elected and political officials, but the move was about Palin.

Sarah Palin Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin Iran Rally, Sarah Palin Jewish group, Sarah Palin uninvited from Iran Rally, Sara Palin, Pallin, Palen, Paylen, Paylin, a list of articles about Sarah Palin, a list of news articles about Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin articles, Sarah Palin news

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